Sunday, January 24, 2010

Pierre’s legacy: Homer

My house has been so quiet since Pierre’s death. He was very vocal, yammering comically in his Siamesy way, like a stuck car horn or endless running commentary.

Pierre had been mentoring a feral kitten, Homer, a grey tabby who has been in the house for several weeks and who followed Pierre everywhere. Homer became tame just before Pierre’s death, and every day he's more loving and adorable. Homer reminds me of Pierre, with his complaining voice and silvery paws. Homer is shown here with his other buddy, Francine, Pierre’s sister, who is still painfully shy and untouchable.


LEFTZ said...

He is adorable :) my cat passed too and even though Figgs cant ever replace him, it helps having something furry.

californiablue said...

Homer is a wonderful name, and seems like a sweet kitty!

Jennifer said...

I love Kitties!! Homer seems really great.

BlueButtonwood said...

You can just see the rays of sweetness coming from his eyes :)