Thursday, September 10, 2009

Pierre pressure

Feral kitten Pierre took the plunge last week -- he dove his head into my waiting hand and discovered love, love, love. He became tame practically overnight. He has trained me to rub every inch of his head. He purrs in my lap. He lets me pick him up and carry him. He's underfoot in the kitchen, hollering for treats. He's become more tame in a few days than Jesse and Olga have in months.Pierre is absolutely adorable and one of the few rescued ferals that could be adopted out -- to a Siamese-lover's home of my choice. It would be only fair to my other kitties, who already have to compete for attention. But can I part with Pierre? This is where they separate the kitty rescuers from the kitty hoarders. I can think of a dozen arguments for keeping him and just as many for letting him go.
Just writing this makes me want to hug him and kiss him and hoard him.


Audrey Crisp said...

oh he's so cute you just have to keep him! love the stylish cat beds too! : )

Anonymous said...

He is a gorgeous cat. I love Siamese cats! Someday I will have a cat of my own again.

californiablue said...

Pierre is just gorgeous, and how exciting that he has become so tame! We have a lynx point female kitty, Pinky, who is 16 and doing very well. I wish the same for Pierre :)

Jake and Micah said...

Be crazy and keep him!! That's an order.

Jenn Ski said...

I say hoard away!

Alli McOttob said...

Most beautiful eyes ever seen!Just like his good character! Keep him!keep him!