Friday, March 20, 2009

Tandem sleeping: Olga & Jesse

Feral mother and son, Olga and Jesse, moved in with me a few months ago. Jesse now lets me love on him, but Olga only lets me touch her back while she rubs against my legs.

They are world-class tandem sleepers. Below are some of their signature positions.Sleepy boxing:The choo choo train:Piggyback-on-mumsy:Parallel parking:
The face lift:


Jake and Micah said...

These are so cute and completely accurate. Jake and Jonah do a lot of parallel parking on the couch!

Carolina Grönholm said...

Aaaaawwww..these are so darn cute. Sauron does the face lift against the room heater/radiator all the time!

madison house designs said...

Awww! They remind me of my Lucy and Zoey! So cute. Love your blog, btw and your beds too!